1     Examples of the media joining an Internet buzz

25.     The following account supports the reasonable expectation that investigative journalists and bloggers will recognize the importance for the man in the street and our elected representatives of uncovering evidence of coordinated wrongdoing in the Third Branch of Government and the opportunity that it offers to merit public recognition for reportage in the common good, and join the search for more evidence: Oprah Winfrey picked up for her book club James Frey’s autobiography “A Million Little Pieces” and thereby launched it to the top of the best seller lists. This caught the attention of TheSmokingGun.com blog, which exposed it as embellished pseudo-nonfiction, after which the major TV stations picked up the story and interviewed TheSmokingGun Editor Bustone. Investigative journalists of The New York Times and the Star Tribune played a key role in exposing the book as a fabrication around a few little pieces of truth. http://www.thesmokinggun.com/jamesfrey/0104061jamesfrey1.html

26.     In the same vein, the ever more popular, compassion-inducing drama of Lonely Girl was picked up by The New York Times and revealed as the hoax of some website promoters and an actress that was anything but lonely. http://www.nytimes.com/2006/09/12/technology/12cnd-lonely.html?ex=1315713600&en=abf28fc073b3c6e9&ei=5088&partner=rssnyt&emc=rss.

                    E.     Filing the class action

27.     Once the exposure of coordinated judicial wrongdoing has generated a critical mass of public outrage and clamor for official intervention, the filing by the virtual firm of a class action on behalf of entities and individuals injured by wrongdoing judges will stand a better chance of being reported on by the national media; taken seriously by the presiding judge, whose every decision will come under close scrutiny in the spotlight of the mass media and law journals; and surviving a motion to dismiss, particularly a bogus one intended to nip in the bud any discovery of evidence of wrongdoing coordination.

                                     1     Bankruptcy fraud members of the class

28.     Some members of the class action will have been injured by fraud supported by judges in a bankruptcy case; other members’ injuries will have arisen from the elimination of their judicial conduct complaints by the judges’ systematic dismissal of such complaints. The element common to all those members is that all of them sustained actionable injury at the hand of a wrongdoing judge or of judges acting in wrongful coordination. The injury, of course, must not be susceptible to being characterized as an adverse consequence of a judicial act, for such characterization would make the theory of judicial immunity for judicial acts available to protect the judge in question from being sued.

29.     However, Article III, section 1 of the Constitution provides for federal judges to remain in office only “during good Behaviour”. The disposition of money in controversy by a judge acting fraudulently for his own benefit or a third party’s is indisputably not “good Behaviour”, but rather an impeachable act of corruption not protected by any theory of judicial immunity, which in any event is not explicitly provided for in the Constitution. Such fraud evidence could not be dismissed by the judge presiding over the class action without revealing glaring partiality by defending his peer’s legally indefensible conduct and, thereby rendering himself suspicious.

30.   That is why a case involving a bankruptcy fraud scheme is the representative one of the class


Dr. Cordero’s Programmatic Proposal to unite entities & individuals to ensure  integrity in our courts                8 of 10

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