information of importance to trained and imaginative eyes and in light of their relative shades and shapes of relevance and credibility place them in the developing mosaic of the bits and pieces of many other documents as their placement sometimes is suggested by the picture that puzzle-like is revealing itself and sometimes is chosen by the picture of meaning that the reader is creatively drawing;

                               d)     broth reduction

20.     summarize the essential informational nutrients of scores or even hundreds of documents to a synoptic paragraph, an executive summary, a word limited news article, a table, a chart, or a diagram by submitting those source documents to the boiling down heat of the objectives at hand, the audience being addressed, and the reasonable calculation that in such size and format the piece will get read and its information assimilated;

                               e)     database creation

21.     apply standard or devise new structure and search functions of relational databases to manage effi­ciently and make easily accessible the documents being gathered and the informational elements that they contain so that they will assist in understanding and writing other documents;

                                f)     Report on Judicial Wrongdoing in America

22.     produce the text, tables, statistical analyses, charts, and descriptive entries of the bibliography of the virtual firm’s publication that will make the influential, reading public aware of how widespread judicial wrongdoing has become and how high it has reached at the federal and state levels and serve as the firm’s presentation tool before authorities to cause them to launch official investigations and legislative bodies to enact judicial discipline reform legislation.

                                     3     A firm of “the best of the best, most committed, and most informed”

23.     It should be obvious that for the virtual firm to carry out those difficult tasks it will need to be composed of a team of professionals with superior skills, technical knowledge, and ingenuity. They also must have the leadership attributes to guide the supporting entities and individuals and to organize effectively the members of the class action, not to mention to manage their relations with outsiders so as to garner their sympathy and respect while enduring with dignity abuse, disappointment, and stress. These tough demands on the performance and character of the firm’s professionals require their selection by application in stages of the rigorous criteria of “the best of the best, most committed, and most informed”, unlike the considerations to be used for qualifying other people as either financial supporters of the firm or members of the class action.

                    D.     Enter the media

24.     Evidence of widespread coordinated wrongdoing that reaches high in the judiciary clearly and concisely presented through the synoptic paragraphs summarizing cases and the Table of Judicial Wrongdoing Across the Nation laying out docket data and links to supporting documents and articles can generate on the Internet considerable interest as well as outrage. The buzz can reach such pitch as to cause the national newspapers and TV stations to consider it in their commercial interest to pick up the story and further develop it with their vast human, technical, and financial resources for investigative journalism.


Dr. Cordero’s Programmatic Proposal to unite entities & individuals to ensure  integrity in our courts                7 of 10

     1/ 2/ 3/ 4/ 5/ 6/ 7/ 8/ 9/ 10 all in PDF Summary in PDF Table of Tasks