public of the on-going state of the investigation in order to avoid duplication and provide leads for further investigation. Such publication will also intend to encourage other journalists and bloggers aiming to deserve a Pulitzer Prize or in quest for their 15 minutes of meritorious fame to join and expand the search for evidence that will reveal to the public nationwide the nature and extent of coordinated wrongdoing in both the federal and the state judiciaries and the need for official investigations and for legislation to reform the mechanism of judicial discipline.

                                     1     Table of wrongdoing evidence

15.     To help the investigation along and facilitate the organization and widest use of the evidence gathered, the firm will devise as its key evidentiary instrument the Table of Judicial Wrongdoing Across the Nation. It will list in a column each of the 50 states, for each of which each of a selected handful of the most promising federal and state cases from a journalistic and legal standpoint will be listed in a row, the cells of which will provide essential docket information and hyperlinks to the most relevant court documents and news articles. One of those cells will provide the case-type identifier that will hyperlink to the case synopsis. This will be the paragraph most important and difficult to craft professionally, the one that will frequently be the only one read by those choosing which case to investigate or looking for an overview of judicial wrongdoing nationwide. The case synopsis will describe in 150 words or less the information that enables the first paragraph of a well-written news article to grab the attention of the reader and make her want to read on for details, the so-called six W’s: what, where, when, who, how, and why. This should suffice to state the nature of the legal controversy and issues at stake. The synoptic paragraphs serving as titles of the Statement of Facts and its Table of 11 Cases are prototypes of the case synopsis and the Table of Judicial Wrongdoing.

                                   2     Analyzing, integrating, and summarizing information

16.     In order for the lawyers and investigative journalists of the virtual firm to be able to write clearly, concisely, and effectively, whether it be the case synopsis or briefs, petitions, and articles for the courts, the authorities, and the media, they will perform several essential information-processing, highly detail-oriented, but imagination-demanding and-creative tasks:

                               a)     springboard analysis of documents

17.     analyze documents, such as reports on previous investigations by authorities and civilians into official corruption and influence peddling as well as legislative hearing and debate transcripts and reports on relevant subjects and laws, in order to gain insight into the dynamics of the similar, different, or conflicting interests of the characters and of the forces shaping the events involved; and identify mistakes to be avoided and pick up leads to be followed;

                               b)     boomerang scrutiny

18.     capture the spin of orders, decisions, speeches, press releases, and articles of wrongdoing judges to harness their patterns of bias or intrinsic inconsistencies or extrinsic disregard for the law and cause the judges’ own words to hit them in their mouths;

                                c)     mosaic integration

19.  read a document to gain an understanding of the workings of its statements and discern between its lines its assumptions, implications, and possibilities; mine from it bits and pieces of


Dr. Cordero’s Programmatic Proposal to unite entities & individuals to ensure  integrity in our courts                6 of 10

    1/ 2/ 3/ 4/ 5/ 6/ 7/ 8/ 9/ 10 all in PDF Summary in PDF   Table of Tasks