The investigations of the U.S. Attorney’s Office, SDNY, and NY City District Attorneys’ Offices into pervasive public corruption in the NYPD and among the NYC Mayor and his aides lend credence to the complaint about indictments fabricated on false and insufficient evidence

A call
for their investigations to extend to
the indictment fabricators

for the fabricated indictees
to join forces as a class

to expose them and demand collective compensation.


Dr. Richard Cordero, Esq.
Ph.D., University of Cambridge, England
M.B.A., University of Michigan Business School
D.E.A., La Sorbonne, Paris
New York City,,

Mr. Damian Williams
United States Attorney for SDNY
Att: Civilian Crime Reports Unit
Investigators of the NYPD and the NYC Mayor and aides
26 Federal Plaza, 37th Floor
New York, NY 10278

Dear Mr. Williams and Investigators,

  1. Thanks to your investigation into the corruption of NYPD Commissioner Edward Caban and other public officers, he has resigned. Your findings strengthen the credibility of the evidence of his corruption that I am submitting herewith for you to investigate further, to wit, his cover-up of the fabrication of indictments based on false and insufficient evidence by police officers, prosecutors, and judges at the Supreme Court Criminal Term of Bronx County, where he served while rising through the NYPD ranks.
  1. I am a lawyer and was a grand juror in that Court. I had the knowledge and was in a position to realize that the prosecutors and police officers had no evidence for charging two persons with murder:

a. They presented no footage of the crime or photos of the victim or the street crime scene, or incident, arrest, or autopsy report. The footage of the restaurants flanking the street did not show a crowd of onlookers or vehicles of the police, the medical examiner, or crime scene investigators.

b. The indictment was sought in reliance on grand jurors’ indifference and uncritical judgment: ‘an ADA can indict a ham sandwich’. Fabricated indictments are used to support baseless charges because the more guilty pleas and convictions, the greater the chances of reelection and promotion.

c. When I asked critical questions, the presenting and the supervising ADAs referred me to the grand jury judge. He discharged me on the spot even though neither those ADAs nor anybody else showed up to accuse me of anything.

d. I described these events in a 4,743-word, 8-page sworn statement and submitted it to the administrative judge of the Bronx criminal court. Late enough, he sent it to the grand jury judge, who with no discussion dismissed it on the trivial fact that the grand jury term had expired. These judges acted arbitrarily and capriciously in dereliction of duty.

e. I filed a complaint in hardcopy -and have certificates of mailing or delivery- with Commissioners Caban and his predecessor; two Internal Affairs Bureau chiefs; three chief judges and each of the associate judges of the NYS Court of Appeals (CA); the NYS and NYC administrative judges; NYC Mayor Eric Adams and his aides; public advocates and defenders; council members; et al., who have not replied.

f. I have emailed them my complaint daily for months: more than 10,000 emails from my accounts with four different email service providers. I have made countless phone calls to them. To no avail; they have not responded or requested a copy of my sworn statement.[i]

  1. The FBI should investigate both to begin the eradication of systemic corruption[ii] and to free and compensate current and past ‘fabricated indictees’. There can be tens of thousands of them, and in future more people can fall victim to what is an established pattern of abuse of power institutionalized as modus operandi.
  2. The fabricators have sent their indictees to prison, where they may still be; devastated their lives financially by causing them to post bail or retain a lawyer; or denigrated their reputation by attaching to them a criminal record, which may have led to their losing their jobs or being evicted.[iii]

  3. The FBI should investigate this complaint for their and its own sake: After it disregarded the complaints against sexual predator Dr. Larry Nassar, 90 U.S. Olympic and other gymnasts joined in a class action to sue it for $1 billion+ for dereliction of duty and the malfeasance of agents who covered up such disregard. To settle the suit it cost the FBI $138.7 million.

  4. So, I respectfully request that you ask me in to discuss this evidence by October 1. If the U.S. Attorney’s Office and the FBI disregard again evidence of abuse of many people, I will post it to my site and call for action against it.[iv]

Dare shout “I accuse!” You may trigger history and even enter it.

NOTE:  I offer to make a presentation on this call. It can be in person, if here in New York City; and if my expenses and fees are paid, anywhere else; otherwise, via video conference.


Dr. Richard Cordero, Esq.
Judicial Discipline Reform
2165 Bruckner Blvd.
Bronx, NY 10472-6506
tel. (718)827-9521,,


[1] Each of those officers had an individual duty to safeguard the integrity of the justice system. It is statistically impossible for that statistical population in a country as polarized as ours to have independently from each other decided not to respond. Cf. the jury pool from which jurors are selected is made up so that it has a statistical chance of representing the whole population’s spectrum of opinions on any subject. The chance of two unrelated persons having the same DNA is so statistically insignificant as to be deemed ‘beyond a reasonable possibility’.

a. The Commission on Judicial Conduct dare allege repeatedly in writing(Exh.4) to me, a lawyer, that it lacked jurisdiction to investigate the complained-about judges of the Bronx County Supreme Court Criminal term because they were not members of the NYS Unified Court System! To what greater degree of blatant dishonesty does the Commission go when making allegations to laypeople?

b. The identical reaction of former NYPD Commissioner Edward Caban, other NYPD officers, prosecutors and judges points to their complicit coordination, whether in fact or in effect, to cover-up the felonious fabrication of indictments involving deprivation of liberty and property; denial of civil rights under color of law; fraud; etc.

c. These public officers are at the top level of systemic corruption in the NY justice system, condoned or coordinated by the Court of Appeals (CA). Its judges were formerly judges of lower courts, where the fabrication of indictments and other acts of corruption were committed, which they knew and should have known had they proceeded with due diligence in the interest of justice. If those CA judges now allowed, never mind called for, the investigation of their former fellow judges, prosecutors, and police officers, they risk becoming the target of the warning that all of them scream to each other: ‘If you let them take me down, I bring you with me!

d. Only outsiders, such as the U.S. Attorney’s Office and the FBI, can conduct the likes of Operation Graylord in Chicago in the 1980’s but without the participation of any NY agency whatsoever.

[2] There is more evidence that former NYPD Commissioner Caban must have known and condoned corruption and dereliction of duty in the Bronx.

a. For more than 8 years, the 43rd Precinct in the Bronx has tolerated drag races at around 2:00 a.m. on Bruckner Express Way, from under the bridge on Castle Hill Avenue toward the bridge on White Plains Road, zip code 10472. The racers rev up the motors of their cars and motorcycles to the applause and cheers of the many spectators that come to see and hear them. They park their vehicles and mill on the Express Way to stop the traffic and clear the ‘racetrack’. The drivers that are detained honk their horns angrily. The noise jolts the whole neighborhood. It is physically impossible for police officers never to have heard them or the calls of neighbors disturbed by 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and even 6 races in one night at least once a week and on occasion 3 times in a week. These races are very dangerous for the racers, the spectators, and the drivers in the opposite direction.

1) Do police look the other way because of any benefit that they receive from the auto repair and chop shops thus promoting their work of souping up cars and motorcycles?

b.i. Fireworks are illegal. Yet, the police allow them to be exploded around zip code 10472 for even months after the 4th of July.

1) Who has the money needed to buy such a large supply?

2) Is it stashed safely to prevent an explosion in this neighborhood of mostly apartment buildings?

b.ii. They are exploded by kids, who become ever more careless. Their explosive powder can be used to make bombs.

1) Do the police, who inevitably hear the fireworks’ explosions and see their lights in the sky, receive a benefit from allowing them?

b.iii. For leads to investigate a. and b., see the latest service requests:

1)  of 26 July 2024 # 311-194 761 40;

311-194 762 53;

311-194 763  43;

311-194 775 93;

2) of 27 July # EC-008 419 74 and

311-194 871 48, …68, and …82; and

3) those referred to therein.

b.iv. Most revealing are the recorded conversations with 311 operators and 43rd Precinct Lt. Hilligan at (718) 542-0888; and on 15 August with Lt. Minear. No mandatory status statement has reached me.

[3] An informed and outraged! public will demand that judges and their judiciaries be held accountable and liable to compensation. So have been held abusive and malpracticing prosecutors and their offices; police officers and their departments; lawyers and their law firms; doctors and their hospitals; priests and their churches; pharmaceutical companies and their sellers; etc. Judges and their judiciaries should be too under the 14th Amend. clauses on “equal protection of the laws [… from abusers who deny civil rights, honest services, and] due process”. Cf. Pulitzer-winner ProPublica.

[4] My website is at There I post some of my articles, the product of my professional research and writing, and strategic thinking. They have attracted so many webvisitors and elicited such a positive response that as of 7 October 2024, the number of visitors who had become subscribers was 52,134.

  1. Those articles are supported by my three-volume* study of judges and their judiciaries, titled and downloadable thus:

Exposing Judges’ Unaccountability and
Consequent Riskless Abuse of Power:
Pioneering the news and publishing field of judicial unaccountability reporting*

The investigations of NY City District Attorneys’ Offices
and the U.S. Attorney’s Office for SDNY
into pervasive public corruption in the NYPD and
among the NYC Mayor and his aides
lend credence to the complaint about
indictments fabricated on false and insufficient evidence.

A call for their investigations to extend to the indictment fabricators
and for the fabricated indictees to join forces as a class
to expose them and demand collective compensation.

Dr. Richard Cordero, Esq.
Ph.D., University of Cambridge, England
M.B.A., University of Michigan Business School
D.E.A., La Sorbonne, Paris
New York City,,

September 21, 2024


Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg
Att: Investigators of NYC Mayor Eric Adams and aides, and NYPD corruption
One Hogan Place
New York, NY 10013
tel. (212)335-9000;


Dear DA Bragg and Investigators,

  1. Your investigations and those of the FBI SDNY and EDNY into wrongdoing by Mayor E. Adams, his aides, the NYPD, and the FDNY have led Commissioner E. Caban to resign and others to plead guilty. They show that enterprise corruption pervades NYC government.
  2. These events buttress the credibility of the evidence of their corruption that I am submitting herewith for you to investigate further, to wit, their fabrication of indictments based on false and insufficient evidence by NYPD officers, prosecutors, and judges at the Supreme Court Criminal Term of Bronx County, where Commissioner Edward Caban served while rising though the NYPD ranks, and its cover-up by many others.
  1. I am a lawyer and was a grand juror in that Court. I had the knowledge and was in a position to realize that the prosecutors and police officers had no evidence for charging two persons with murder:

a. They presented no footage of the crime or photos of the victim or the street crime scene, or incident, arrest, or autopsy report.

b. The footage of the restaurants flanking the street did not show a crowd of onlookers or vehicles of the police, the medical examiner, or crime scene investigators.

c. The indictment was sought in reliance on grand jurors’ indifference and uncritical judgment: ‘an ADA can indict a ham sandwich’. Fabricated indictments are used to support baseless charges because the more guilty pleas and convictions, the greater the chances of reelection and promotion.

  1. When I asked critical questions, the presenting and the supervising ADAs referred me to the grand jury judge. He discharged me on the spot even though neither those ADAs nor anybody else showed up to accuse me of anything.
  2. I described these events in a 4,743-word, 8-page sworn statement and submitted it to the administrative judge of the Bronx criminal court. Late enough, he sent it to the grand jury judge, who with no discussion dismissed it on the trivial fact that the grand jury term had expired. These judges acted arbitrarily and capriciously in dereliction of duty.

  3. I filed a complaint -in hardcopy and have certificates of mailing or delivery- with Commissioners Caban and his predecessor; two Internal Affairs Bureau chiefs; three chief judges and each of the associate judges of the NYS Court of Appeals (CA); the NYC and NYS administrative judges; Mayor Adams and his aides; IGs; public advocates and defenders; council members; et al., who have not replied. I have emailed them my complaint daily for months: more than 10,000 emails from my accounts with four different email service providers. I have made countless phone calls to them. To no avail; they have not responded, let alone requested a copy of my sworn statement.[i]

  4. Fabricated indictments cause graver injury in fact than money exchanging hands as bribe for favors among a few public officers and business owners:

a. The fabricators have sent their indictees to prison, where they may still be; devastated their lives financially by causing them to post bail or retain a lawyer; and denigrated their reputation by attaching to them a criminal record, which may have led to their losing their jobs or being evicted.[ii]

b. There can be 10Ks of such indictees in NYC and NYS, and more people will fall victim to this abuse of power institutionalized as modus operandi. You and your investigators should not cede the investigation of this evidence to the FBI, NY Attorney General Letitia James, or the likes of Pulitzer winner ProPublica, WSJ, and Thomson Reuters.[iii]

  1. So, I respectfully request that you ask me in to discuss it by October 7. If your office disregards its duty to “protect everyday New Yorkers from abuses by the powerful”, I will post this letter to my site and call for action.[iv]

Dare shout “I accuse!” You may trigger history and even enter it.


Dr. Richard Cordero, Esq.
Judicial Discipline Reform
2165 Bruckner Blvd.
Bronx, NY 10472-6506
tel. (718)827-9521,,

[i]  Each of those officers had an individual duty to safeguard the integrity of the justice system. It is statistically impossible for all to have independently from each other decided not to respond. The Commission on Judicial Conduct dare allege repeatedly in writing(Exh.4) to me, a lawyer, that it lacked jurisdiction to investigate the complained-about judges of the Bronx County Criminal term because they were not members of the NYS Unified Court System! What does it allege to laypeople? The identical reaction of Comm. Caban and all the other NYPD and public officers points to complicit coordination in fact or in effect to cover-up the felonious fabrication of indictments by NYPD officers, prosecutors, and judges. The NY justice system is run like a racketeering organization, condoned or coordinated by the CA. Only outsiders, e.g., you, the FBI, the AG, can duplicate here Operation Graylord in Chicago in the 1980’s but without the participation of any NY agency.

[ii] An informed and outraged! public will demand that ‘law enforcing’ judges and their judiciaries -who intercept and do not read– ‘be held accountable’ and liable to compensation. So have been held abusive prosecutors and their offices; police officers and their departments; lawyers and their law firms; doctors and their hospitals; priests and their churches; pharmaceutical companies and their sellers; etc. Judges and their judiciaries should be too under the 14th Amend. clauses on “equal protection of the laws […from abusers who deny civil rights, honest services, and] due process”.

[iii] a. There is more evidence that Commissioner Caban must have known and condoned corruption and dereliction of duty in the Bronx.

a. For at least 11 years, the 43rd Precinct has tolerated drag races at around 2:00 a.m. on Bruckner Express Way, from under the bridge on Castle Hill Av. toward the bridge on White Plains Road, zip code 10472.

 1) The racers rev up the motors of their cars and motorcycles to the applause and cheers of the many spectators that come to see and hear them. They park their vehicles and mill on the Express Way to stop the traffic and clear the ‘racetrack’. The drivers that are detained honk their horns angrily. The noise jolts the whole neighborhood. It is physically impossible for NYPD officers never to have heard them or the calls of neighbors disturbed by 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and even 6 times in one night at least once a week and on occasion 3 times in a week.

 2) These races are very dangerous for the racers, the spectators, and the drivers in the opposite direction.

3) Do police look the other way because of any benefit that they receive from the auto repair and chop shops thus promoting their work of souping up cars and motorcycles?

b. Fireworks are illegal. Yet, the police allow them to be exploded around zip code 10472 for even months after the 4th of July.

a. Who has the money needed to buy such a large supply?

b. Is it stashed safely to prevent an explosion in this neighborhood of mostly apartment buildings? They are exploded by kids, who become ever more careless. Their explosive powder can be used to make bombs. Do the police, who inevitably hear the fireworks’ explosions and see their lights in the sky, receive a benefit from allowing them? For leads to investigate a. and b., see the latest service re-quests of 26 July 2024 # 311-194 761 40; 311-194 762 53; 311-194 763 43; 311-194 775 93; and on 27 July EC-008 419 74 and 311-194 871 48, …68, and …82; and those referred to therein. Most revealing are the recorded conversations with 311 operators and 43rd Precinct Lt. Hilligan at (718) 542-0888; and on 15 August with Lt. Minear. No mandatory status statement has reached me.

[iv] My website is at There I post some of my articles, the product of my professional law research and writing, and strategic thinking. They have attract-ed so many webvisitors and elicited such a positive response from them that as of 21 September 2024, the number of visitors who had become subscribers was 52,101. Those articles are supported by my three-volume* study of judges and their judiciaries, titled and downloadable thus:

Exposing Judges’ Unaccountability and Consequent Riskless Abuse of Power:

Pioneering the news and publishing field of judicial unaccountability reporting*

Published by

Dr. Richard Cordero, Esq.

Dr. Richard Cordero, Esq., is a doctor of law and researcher-writer attorney. He is a member of the New York State Bar and lives in New York City. He earned his doctorate of law from the University of Cambridge in England, where his thesis dealt with the integration of the banking industry in the European Union. He earned a French law degree from La Sorbonne in Paris, where he concentrated on currency stability and the abuse of dominant positions by entities in commerce, similar to American antitrust law. He also earned a Master of Business Administration from the University of Michigan, where he concentrated on the use of computers and their networks to maximize workflow efficiency and productivity. Dr. Cordero worked as a researcher-writer at the preeminent publisher of analytical legal commentaries, Lawyers Cooperative Publishing, a member of West/Thomson Reuters. There he wrote commentaries on the regulation of financial activities under federal law. Currently at Judicial Discipline Reform, he is promoting the creation of a multidisciplinary academic and business team to advocate judges’ accountability and discipline reform. The need for such reform is based on his analysis of official statistics, reports, and statements of the Federal Judiciary and its judges, who are the models for their state counterparts. That analysis is set forth in his study of the Federal Judiciary and its judges, the models for their state counterparts: Exposing Judges’ Unaccountability and Consequent Riskless Wrongdoing: Pioneering the news and publishing field of judicial unaccountability reporting; Dr. Cordero offers to make a presentation at a video conference or in person to you and your colleagues of the evidence of judicial wrongdoing so that you may learn how to join the effort to expose it and bring about judicial reform. Contact him at Dare trigger history!(* >jur:7§5)…and you may enter it. *

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