When Jews and pro-Palestinian advocates think strategically to form a coalition that organizes a 1963 MLK March on Washington-like demonstration at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC, next September 29 at noon

Forcing P. Biden to choose between a chance of reelection by supporting the coalition demands AND appearing as an unprincipled, hypocritical, and subservient non-leader incapable of asserting American values


Dr. Richard Cordero, Esq.
Ph.D., University of Cambridge, England
M.B.A., University of Michigan Business School
D.E.A., La Sorbonne, Paris
Judicial Discipline Reform
New York City
Dr.Richard.Cordero_Esq@verizon.net, DrRCordero@Judicial-Discipline-Reform.org, CorderoRic@yahoo.com

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  1. Pro-Palestinian advocates and Jews have reasonable, non-mutually exclusive demands that they can advance by thinking strategically to join forces in a coalition:
              a. The former want the killing and starvation in Gaza Strip to stop and the assault on Rafah never to start.
              b. The latter want to stop antisemitism and the personal insecurity which it provokes here and abroad, and free the hostages.
  2. Neither are strong enough to advance their demands decisively. Time works against them dangerously and frequently irreversibly.
              a. The campus encampments are likely to lose their impact when the students leave their campuses at the end of the academic term.
              b. The demand that universities disinvest from Israeli companies, in general, or those contributing to the destruction of the Gaza population, in particular, will take months or even years to have any perceptible effect.
              c. Meantime, the emotional and physical harm inflicted by discrimination against people because of who they are or what they wear will only keep worsening. All of them and those starving need help now.
  3. The one person in the world who can force a prompt and dramatic inversion of the trend is President Biden: Only he has the military and economic means of doing so. But he persists uncritically in his decades-long support of Israel.
              a. Strategic thinking looks to identify the interest of his own that can make him decide to invert his conduct. That interest is winning his reelection bid. He must be cornered into choosing between his rote support of Israel AND preventing a deterioration of his reelection chances and perhaps even improving them.
              b. That can be achieved by Jews and pro-Palestinian advocates forming a coalition that makes him the target of their joint effort, highlighting the material facts that denigrate his image with voters here and leaders in the rest of the world.
  4. So, P. Biden can be criticized for having:
            a. disregarded the ever growing segment of the Israeli population that wants Prime Minister Netanyahu to resign after calling for anticipated elections, as demanded by the opposition leader, Benny Gantz;
              b. failed to blame Netanyahu’s incompetence or complicity in allowing Hamas to build hundreds of miles of underground tunnels in Gaza;
              c. failed to condemn Netanyahu’s effort to impair the independence of the Israeli judiciary only to escape the bribery charges under investigation by the Israeli Justice Department and remain in power; etc.
  5. P. Biden can be characterized as:
             a.  a hypocrite, who rightfully condemns the inexcusable barbarism committed by Hamas on 7 October 2023, and P. Putin’s genocidal war in Ukraine but fails to condemn Netanyahu the Holocauster of Palestinians;
              b. a subservient ally who begs him not to be too harsh on the Gaza people; and thus
              c. the enemy of Gazans, Israelis, Jews worldwide, students exercising nonviolently their free speech right, and the American values of equality of human beings, proportionality of justice, and intolerance of abuse of power; and
              d. a man too old and weak to tell Netanyahu ‘stop murdering Gazans or I will stop arming you and destroy your weapons and bases in a blitz’.
  6. We can organize a demonstration at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC, next September 29, a Sunday, to be transmitted to people around the world invited to hold similar demonstrations, where the keynote speakers will be Benny Gantz…and P. Biden, who will either embrace our demands or hide as a non-leader facing a tumultuous Nominating Convention in August.
  7. I offer to present in person or virtually more details to you and your colleagues.

Dare shout “I accuse!”…You may trigger history and even enter it.


B. Will students be taken into custody and targeted for fabricated indictments?, which are made up with false and insufficient evidence by prosecutors and NYPD officers in coordination with judges, including those of the NYS Court of Appeals. A revealing case supports a proposal for citizens hearings, capable of turning academe and the media into a powerhouse that holds judges and the politicians who put them in office and protect them there accountable and liable to compensation.

  1. I am a lawyer and was a grand juror. I had the knowledge and was in a position to realize that the Assistant District Attorneys (ADAs) had no evidence supporting their charge of murder brought against two defendants, and neither did the police officers who testified against them:

          a. They presented no footage of the crime or photos of the victim or the street crime scene, or incident, arrest, or autopsy report. The footage of the restaurants flanking the street did not show a crowd of onlookers or vehicles of the police, the medical examiner, or crime scene investigators.

          b. The indictment was sought in reliance on grand jurors’ indifference and uncritical judgment. It put in practice the avowal of abuse “an ADA can indict a ham sandwich”. Fabricated indictments are used in plea bargaining to support baseless charges that can extort the defendants’ agreement to the pleas sought by abusive prosecutors.

          c. When I asked critical questions, the presenting and the supervising ADAs referred me to the grand jury judge, who discharged me on the spot even though neither those ADAs nor anybody else showed up to make any allegations against me. If that is how they treat a lawyer, imagine how they can treat students and other laypeople critical of the abusers.

          d. I filed a complaint with three successive chief judges and each of the associate judges of the Court of Appeals; NYS and NYC administrative judges; two NYPD Internal Affairs Bureau chiefs, two Commissioners, and inspectors general; council members; public advocates and defenders; who did not reply. They are accessories, having failed their duty to investigate abuse of power and engaging in an explicit or implicit coordinated cover-up, thus aiding the fabricators.

          e. How many students will become their fabricated indictees?

  1. This is a proposal to join forces to expose abuse of power so pervasive and coordinated that it has become the way of doing business of unaccountable officers who run the system of justice for their gain and convenience as a racketeering enterprise.
  2. In implementing this proposal, my website at http://www.Judicial-Discipline-Reform.org will be useful. There I post some of my articles, the product of my professional law research and writing skills and strategic thinking. They have attracted so many webvisitors and elicited such a positive response that as of 13 July 2024, the number of visitors who had become subscribers was 51,678.

  3. Those articles are supported by my three-volume study of judges and their judiciaries, titled and downloadable through the links here* :

Exposing Judges’ Unaccountability and
Consequent Riskless Abuse of Power:

Pioneering the news and publishing field of
judicial unaccountability reporting

  1. Judges’ abuse of power has been exposed by The Wall Street Journal, Thomson Reuters, Huffpost, The Boston Globe, ProPublica, which just won the Pulitzer Prize for investigative journalism; etc.
  • The exposure can be accelerated and amplified by the proposed unprecedented citizens hearings.
              a. The citizens hearings are to be held at university auditoriums and media stations; and conducted by journalists, professors, students, and experts, e.g., in IT/AI.
              b. The hearings will enable abusees to tell in person or virtually the story of the abuse that they have suffered or witnessed.
              c. The abusees’ stories will inform and outrage the public, and cause it to demand official investigations, turning judges’ abuse into an electoral issue; (OL3:1636¶14).

  • I offer to make a presentation on organizing the demonstration of the pro-Palestinian-Jews coalition; and fostering a public accountability media-academe powerhouse. Contact me. Time is of the essence.

  • Every meaningful cause needs resources for its advancement;
    none can be continued, let alone advanced, without money

    Put your money
    where your outrage at abuse of power and
    quest for justice are.

    Support the professional law research and writing, and
    strategic thinking
    conducted at
    Judicial Discipline Reform

    by making a deposit or an online transfer through
    either the Bill Pay feature of your online account or Zelle

    from your account
    to TD Bank account # 43 92 62 52 45, routing # 260 13 673;
    or Citi Bank account # 4977 59 2001, routing # 021 000 089.

    Dare shout “I accuse!”…You may trigger history and enter it.


    Dr. Richard Cordero, Esq.
    Judicial Discipline Reform
    2165 Bruckner Blvd.
    Bronx, NY 10472-6506
    tel. (718)827-9521

    Dr.Richard.Cordero_Esq@verizon.net, DrRCordero@Judicial-Discipline-Reform.org, Corderoric@yahoo.com