Dr. Richard Cordero, Esq.
Ph.D., University of Cambridge, England
M.B.A., University of Michigan Business School
D.E.A., La Sorbonne, Paris
Judicial Discipline Reform
New York City,,,
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provided it is in its entirety and without any addition, deletion, or modification, and credit is given to its author, Dr. Richard Cordero, Esq.
A. Unaccountability makes power absolute and corruptive, which leads to wrongdoing
- Can you imagine what would happen to you if all police officers, doctors, and priests:
a. held their jobs for life(* >jur:21§a) together with self-disciplining authority*>18a that enabled them to assure their impunity by systematically and without any investigation(jur:25§c) dismissing 99.82%(jur:24§b) of your complaints(jur:10-15) against them;
* This article is part of the study of judges and their judiciaries titled and downloadable as follows:
Pioneering the news and publishing field of
judicial unaccountability reporting
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All (blue text)references hereunder are keyed to the study, where they are active cross-referential links, and where this article is found at page (ol:324). _________________________
b. were in fact beyond investigation by law enforcement authorities, never mind prosecution, and thus had no fear of suffering any adverse consequences from their wrongdoing, not even losing their jobs(jur:54§d) or having their salaries docked12, let alone having to compensate their victims; but instead
c. ruled on $100s of billions annually(jur:27§2)…
d. in the secrecy of closed-door meetings(jur:27§e); and
e. by disposing of 75% of their cases through summary order forms(jur:43§1) with no reasoning and only one operative word, overwhelmingly “Denied”; and of up to another 11% of cases by decisions so perfunctory that they marked them “Not for publication” and “Not precedential”(jur:43§1), allowing those decisions to be inconsistent, arbitrary, in principle unfindable and in effect unreviewable(jur:45§§2-3, 48§2) but capable of depriving you of your property, liberty, and all the rights and duties that determined your life and that of everybody you dealt with?(ol:190¶¶1-7)
- Would those police officers, doctors, and priests be likely to abuse such absolute and corruptive power28 risklessly for their own benefit(ol:173¶93)?
- The life-tenured, unaccountable judges of the Federal Judiciary, the models for their state counterparts, wield that kind of power(jur:65§§1-3).
B. Recruiting a team for the business venture of exposing judges’ unaccountability and consequent riskless wrongdoing
- My study of judges and their judiciaries analyzes(jur:21§§1-3) official judicial statistics, reports, and statements(jur:iii/fn.ii) that reveal that judges are unaccountable. Consequently, they risklessly grab benefits through wrongdoing(jur:3§5; ol:154¶3) even as they harm millions of parties and the rest of the public, from lowly pro ses to the largest companies in business(jur:29¶46).
- Knowledge is Power…and stronger if used with discretion: One need not accuse any judge of wrongdoing to be able to use the knowledge of judges’ wrongdoing to protect oneself from those judges and gain a competitive advantage over opposing parties that know less or nothing about it.
- My study contains a business proposal that appeals to recruiters of lawyers and journalists, particularly those involved in investigative journalism, as well as other professionals(jur:128§4), such as accountants, statisticians, and Information Technology experts(jur:130§b). This is so because a recruiter can put together a team that can make money(jur:156§f) as well as a nationally recognized name for himself or herself by:
a. “Pioneering the news and publishing field of judicial unaccountability reporting”(jur:119§E); and
b. providing legal advice and representation to the many parties who having learned that the judges in their cases failed to respect the injunction in their codes of conduct, i.e., to “avoid even the appearance of impropriety”123a, will want to retain lawyers celebrated(ol:258¶18) for having exposed such impropriety, to recuse such judges, vacate their decisions, reopen and retry their cases, and obtain compensation for the material, physical, and moral harm that they caused those parties. Other people and entities that were foreseeably harmed by wrongdoing judges will also prefer to hire such lawyers because of their expertise in the issue.
C. There is money in holding people with a duty of care accountable
- Judging from the flood of motions provoked by cases of judicial wrongdoing and police corruption, the high damages awarded in medical malpractice cases, and the well over $2 billion already paid by the Catholic Church due to its cover-up of pedophilic priests, the market for holding also judges accountable is likely to be huge and very profitable. This is especially so if it implicates judges who have been on the bench for a long time, are sitting on the highest court of their jurisdiction, and have operated in coordination with other judges; their appointed officials, such as trustees, guardians, and receivers; lawyers who appear before them; and parties that are rich, influential, or related to them; all of whom form a deep pocket.
a. Cf. The Youth Law Center helped expose the ‘kids for cash’ case where judges in Pennsylvania committed juveniles to for-profit youth jails, which were paid by the state per juvenile housed therein and which gave the judges a kickback per committed juvenile. The Center reached a $2.5 million settlement in a class action against those jails.
D. The accountability of other professionals is precedent for treating judges equally accountable
- Police officers, doctors, priests, and their respective institutions can be held accountable and liable to compensate their victims. They are precedent for the proposition that judges must hold their wrongdoing peers and judiciaries likewise liable, lest they violate the due process and equal protection clauses(ol:297:Excerpt) by exonerating themselves from any accountability and liability, thereby arrogating(jur:26§d) to themselves the status of Judges Above the Law.
- Judges’ wrongdoing can outrage(ol:135) and attract the attention of everybody who believes to be entitled to Equal Justice Under Law as part of the American birthright and that has at least an intuitive notion of ‘fair play and substantial justice’.
E. Taking advantage of the need of each of the all-too many presidential candidates to stand out and win over a huge untapped voting bloc
- There are 20 presidential candidates and counting. Each one needs to stand out of the pack. A recruiter can take advantage of that need by offering to any and each chief of staff of a presidential candidate to hold an individualized presentation(ol:197§G) to the candidate, the chief, and their aides on:
a. the already available evidence of judges’ wrongdoing(jur:21§§A,B);
b. the proposal for them to voice in their own electoral interest the complaints of those dissatisfied users of the judicial and legal systems, including victims of wrongdoing judges, for they constitute a huge(ol:272¶4) untapped voting bloc in search of their Champion of Justice, whom they would reward with significant donations, volunteer campaign workers, and so many attendees at rallies as to warrant journalistic coverage; as well as
c. the proposal for the candidate to turn the exposure of judges’ wrongdoing into his or her hallmark by pursuing with the recruiter’s team and the candidate’s own opposition research team two unique national stories(ol:191§§A,B) apt to starkly illustrate the nature, extent, and gravity of judges’ wrongdoing.
- To that end, a recruiter can put together a team of lawyers, journalists(jur:xlv§§G,H), and other professionals(jur:128§4) to investigate(ol:194§E) as discreetly as wanted those two unique national stories(ol:191§§A,B), which makes for a pinpointed and hence cost-efficient investigation.
- Those stories can most effectively grab national attention if first broken by one or more presidential candidates(ol:311). Indeed, by making the initial, Emile Zola’s I accuse!-like(jur:98§2) denunciation of judges’ wrongdoing at a press conference or national network interview, a candidate can provoke such national outrage as to stir up the public to demand of every candidate that he or she call for nationally televised hearings –similar to those held by the Watergate Senate Committee(jur:4¶¶10-14) and the 9/11 Commission– on judges’ wrongdoing and advocate judicial reform. A candidate who refused to do so could be identified as a wrongdoing politician(jur:22§31) protecting wrongdoing judges. This could cause the candidate to lose so much popular support as to be forced to drop out of the race.
- As a result, the outrage can set off a scandal(ol:64§C) that would generate:
a. insatiable demand for updating news and analysis;
b. a flood of motions to revisit every decision and ruling made by judges who have failed to “avoid even the appearance of impropriety”(jur:92§d); and
c. an issue so important to the integrity of our ‘government, not of men and women, but by the rule of law’ol:5fn6, as to make judges’ wrongdoing dominate the campaign and be decisive of the presidential election.
F. Recruiting and working with journalists and lawyers can prove very profitable
- Ever more journalists covering presidential candidates will jump on the investigative bandwagon to further investigate and expose judges’ wrongdoing because ‘scandal sells copy’. It follows that journalists could not afford not to cover the scandal since that would drive their audience away from them and to the competitors who offered the coverage that the audience demanded.
- In addition, ambitious journalists will see the judicial wrongdoing scandal as an opportunity to make a scoop or provide the most insightful analysis and thereby win a Pulitzer Prize.
- Moreover, journalists’ cumulative findings that will by drip-drip reveal judges’ wrongdoing as the judiciary’s institutionalized modus operandi(jur:49§4), will keep the scandal on the front pages and the top of newscasts for years to come, as was the case with the Watergate scandal, which caused the resignation of President Nixon on August 8, 1974, and the imprisonment of all his White House aides3.
- Those findings will provoke new motions to join the flood of motions and give rise to class actions to revisit the rulings and decisions of judges who failed to “avoid even the appearance of impropriety” and obtain compensation from the judiciary that enabled(jur:88§§a-c) judges to abuse their power at the expense of parties and other people. Moreover, it will give rise to a demand from many different parties for legal advice on, and lobbying for, judicial reform(jur:158§§6-8) that advances their respective interests.
- Such steady work for the team can keep a strong revenue stream flowing for a long time even after Election 2016 is over. It supports the projection of a high return on the investment in forming the team and making the effort to present the proposal to presidential candidates(ol:331).
G. Offer to make a presentation on this proposal to you and your clients
- I offer to present this business proposal to you and your colleagues and clients at a video conference or in person. Therefore, you may share this proposal with them.
Dare trigger history(* >jur:7§5)…and you may enter it.