Dr. Richard Cordero, Esq.
Ph.D., University of Cambridge, England
M.B.A., University of Michigan Business School
D.E.A., La Sorbonne, Paris
Judicial Discipline Reform
New York City , ,
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This article is also found at: >OL2:821
A. Judges’ abuse in their courts and the strategy for their exposure outside them
1. The Programmatic Presentation discusses forming a national civic movement for judicial abuse of power exposure, redress, and reform.
2. It welcomes victims of, and witnesses to, judges’ abuse, and all advocates of honest judiciaries. They recognize that in ‘government, not of men and women, but by the rule of law’(*>OL:56)[1] it is vital for We the People, the masters of all public servants, to hold our judicial public servants accountable for performing the work for which we hire them, to wit, administer justice according to law, and liable to compensate those whom they harm.
3. The materials corresponding to the(* †>references) are found in my professionally researched and written, 2-volume study of judges and their judiciaries, titled and downloadable thus:
Exposing Judges’ Unaccountability and
Consequent Riskless Wrongdoing:
Pioneering the news and publishing field of
judicial unaccountability reporting
Volume 1: * >all prefixes:# up to OL:393
Volume 2: † >from OL2:394
Use the above links to download the files in MS Edge, Firefox, or Chrome; open the downloaded files in Adobe Reader,, so that you can open the Bookmarks panel and use the bookmarks that make navigating to the numerous(* †>parenthetical references) very easy.
A smaller file with this article and the Programmatic Presentation outline infra can be downloaded through this link:
4. Judges wield enormous power(OL:267§4) over people’s property, liberty, and the rights and duties that frame their lives. They abuse it for their benefit(OL:173¶93) when they, among other things:
a. deny parties their due process and equal protection rights(*>jur:5§3);
b. do not read their briefs and have their clerks dispose of cases and motions by rubberstamping dumping forms(†>OL2:760), i.e., unresearched, unreasoned, arbitrary orders;
c. intercept their critics’ communications(OL2:781) thus abridging their right of free speech;
d. complicitly exonerate each other from all(OL2:792) complaints to escape any adverse consequence of their abuse, a catchall term for any form of their harmful conduct. Yet, judges hold malpracticing doctors and lawyers, brutal police officers, pedophilic priests, and pilots liable for the harm that they cause whether intentionally, negligently, or accidentally and even if they too are among the casualties.
5. The People, as the source of all governmental power, are entitled to bring Judges Self-elevated Above the Law down to where Everybody is Equal Before the Law.
6. This objective can only be achieved by informing the national public of the nature, extent, and gravity of judges’ abuse and so outraging it as to cause it to demand further exposure, redress, and reform. This is our out-of-court inform and outrage strategy(OL2:713).
7. To implement it, we need to reach out to the national public and attract the largest number of people to a national civic movement. The Programmatic Presentation shows why attaining that objective is realistic, feasible, and opportune given:
a. the public’s MeToo! attitude of intolerance of any form of abuse; and
b. its current strongest position to force consideration of its demands: during a presidential campaign when poli-ticians depend the most on voters and must be seen listening and willing to satisfy their demands.
B. Share, post, and organize the holding of the Programmatic Presentation
8. You can be part of forming a national civic movement that enables the People to exercise on the judiciary the ‘checks and balances’ that the other two branches have failed to. In brief, you can:
9. SHARE this introduction to the Presentation(OL2:821) and its outline(OL2:823) with your friends, family, and other people who have or had cases in the same court as you do or did. Just go to the court’s website, download its decisions, and find there their or their lawyers’ contact information.
10. POST them to websites, social media, and yahoogroups(see a list of them at OL2:433) as widely as possible so that it may go viral(*>jur:164§9). Your posting will reach many who have experienced or witnessed judges’ abuse and many others who can become an invaluable source of information:
11. Whether out of principle or opportunism, journalists and politicians may join forces with us to advance their own personal, professional, commercial and/or our common interest. They can become effective allies of result, for they have superb means of nationally disseminating news and issues. We want journalists to report on us; and politicians to insert our cause in their platforms and every stump speech as a way to stand out from the pack of candidates competing against them.
12. ORGANIZE a group to whom I can make the Presentation in person, if they pay my expenses; otherwise, via video conference. To identify other parties with cases before the same judge as in your case, search for the decisions of that judge and/or apply the method for searching with other parties for patterns and trends of abuse(*>OL:274-280, 304-307).
1. You are no longer alone
13. Let it be a source of comfort for all of you that none must any longer suffer abuse in silence or protest it alone in separate, futile efforts(†>OL2:815). You are among people who have experienced the same abuse by judges as you have. Now all of you have the opportunity to take joint action to expose them(*>jur:92§d), obtain redress, and compel reform.
2. From a Presentation group to a local chapter
14. A group at a Presentation can give rise to a local chapter of the national movement. All groups will join forces to lend weight to the nationwide demand for courts to refund the fees collected in cases where judges abused parties and compensate them for the harm that they caused.
3. A Presentation for parties and non-parties
15. None of you must have or have had a case before a judge to benefit from the Presentation. Judges abuse their power just as VIPs sexually abuse theirs: because they can. But while a sexual abuser harms only one person sometimes, judges abuse many parties daily, harming their families, neighbors, employees, patrons, etc., and the rest of the People through the precedential value of their decisions.
16. Therefore, to whom do you run for protection from abuse by others, including the other branches of government, when judges are the most powerful abusers…and unaccountable(*>jur:21§§1-3)?
4. Big and little can become Workers of Justice
17. You may invite judges, law clerks, and lawyers disgusted by being executioners of abuse(*>OL:180). Outside the Presentation, they may share with us information as confidential informants(†>OL2:788 ¶37).
18. ‘Little people’ may also want to make confidences: court clerical staff, marshals, janitors, food delivery boys, and similarly situated people are ‘invisible’ to the judges, as are the drivers, waiters, waitresses, key counter and room service personnel, and their peers at hotels, seminars, restaurants, country clubs, banks, etc., patronized by judges(*>jur:106§c). Their presence, much less their ears and common sense, is not even noticed by judges as they coordinate their abuse and engage in competitive boasting about who has outsmarted the system the most.
19. The more representative local chapters are of all members of the public, the stronger they and the national movement will be in their demand for exposure, redress, and reform. All can become Workers of Justice.
C. Take knowledge for free for its power and give money for our common cause
20. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER: Empower yourself by gaining knowledge from the study* † and the articles posted here.
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21. No meaningful endeavor can be advanced without money. Donate to support Judicial Discipline Reform’s:
a. professional law research and writing; and
b. the implementation of its business plan(OL2:563) for turning its website into both a clearinghouse for complaints against judges uploaded by the public and a research center for the public to search for patterns, trends, and schemes(OL2:614)revealing judges’ coordinated abuse.
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and your quest for justice are.
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history!(*>jur:7§5)…and you may enter it.
the Programmatic Presentation
on forming a national civic movement
to expose judges’ abuse of their enormous power
over people’s property, liberty and
the rights and duties that frame their lives;
obtain redress; and
lead to reform
D. Purpose of the movement; basis of the Program; and audience of the Presentation
1. Purpose of the movement
22. A national civic movement(†>OL2:821; *>jur:164§9) is being formed to expose judges’ unaccountability and consequent riskless abuse(jur:5§3, *>OL:154¶3) for their own benefit(OL:173¶93) and to the detriment of We the People of their enormous power(OL:267§4) over people’s property, liberty, and all the rights and duties that frame their lives.
23. The movement seeks redress for its members through, e.g., the refund of their court filing fees and compensation for the damages(†>OL2:760) that judges’ abuse has caused parties and others.
24. A series of Presentations will launch the process of both informing the public of the nature, extent, and gravity of judges’ abuse and so outraging it(†OL2:741) as to stir it up to compel the adoption of measures that today appear inconceivable into reforms(*>jur:158§§6-8) that are accepted as unavoidable to ensure that judges apply the law and are as equally subject to it as everybody else.
2. Basis of the Program
25. The basis of the Program is the professionally researched and written, 2-volume study* † of judges and their judiciaries:
Exposing Judges’ Unaccountability and
Consequent Riskless Wrongdoing:
Pioneering the news and publishing field of
judicial unaccountability reporting* †
3. Audience of the Presentation
26. The audience of the Presentation includes victims of, and witnesses to, judges’ abuse; current, past, and potential parties to lawsuits; advocates of judiciaries that honestly apply the rule of law; academics; students; newscast anchors, investigative journalists, and reporters; politicians; lawyers; law clerks; voters; etc.
E. Presentation topics: movement’s precedents; opportuneness; interests; and actions
1. Precedents for the national civic movement
27. The precedents for the national movement are current and the conditions for their repeat obtain:
a. Groups of people with a common view on a single issue, taxes, gathered in local chapters that merged into the Tea Party and in less than 10 years dominated local and national politics;
b. After the publication by The New York Times and The New Yorker on October 5 and 10, 2017, respectively, of their exposés of Harvey Weinstein’s sexual abuse, the MeToo! movement erupted into being to expose the millenarian impunity of sexual abusers(†>OL2:812§D).
2. Opportuneness of forming the movement now
28. The public’s MeToo! attitude of personal involvement in exposing abuse, and intolerance of any form of it makes this the right time for the national public to rally to a national movement to shout(OL2:635):
Enough is enough!
We won’t take judges’ abuse anymore.
29. The social and political circumstances are propitious for forming the movement:
a. A sympathetic attitude can be expected from most of the new members of the House, who be-long to minorities that have experienced abuse, are anti-establishment, and want change now.
b. The 2020 election campaign is underway and during it politicians will be most receptive and vulnerable to the demands of voters, particularly those organized in movements(†>OL2:648) that have many voting members. Politicians are likely to deem supporting the movement a means of reaching out to, and becoming the sought-after leader of, the huge(OL2:719¶¶6-8) untapped voting bloc of The Dissatisfied with The Judicial and Legal System.
3. Interests driving the movements’ formation
30. The audience will be interested to learn that judges count pro se cases as a third of a case(†>OL2:455§B); do not read the vast majority of briefs(OL2:760); dispose of 93% of appeals in “procedural, unsigned, unpublished, without comment, and by consolidation decisions”( OL2:457§D); dismiss 100% of complaints against them and of petitions for review of such dismissals(OL2:792); etc.
31. The personal, professional, and commercial interests of principled and opportunistic people, and the interest in justice of the most passionate people, the abused by judges, will drive the movement.
32. The movement will be energized by a powerful motivator: the recovery of money lost to abusers: the joint demand by parties all over the country for courts and judges to refund court filing fees and pay compensation for the $1,000s and even $10,000s that judges made parties waste when they required parties to produce briefs that the judges willfully failed to read, even knew in advance that they would not read(OL2:760), but fraudulently pretended that they had read(OL2:729).
33. Enlightened self-interest, “Everyone can advance his or her own interest by pursuing the common interest first”(OL2:815), should lead people to join the movement and think strategically(OL2:445§B).
4. Actions that you can take
34. To help form the national civic movement for judicial abuse of power exposure, redress, and reform, you, the reader, can share and post the introduction(†>OL2:821) to, and this outline(OL2:823) of, the Programmatic Presentation, which I offer to make to a group of your colleagues, friends, and family, in person with all expenses paid, or via video conference. See also a series of articles(OL2:719§C) that can inform the public about, and outrage it at, judges’ abuse.
35. Help spark a generalized investigation by professional and citizen journalists into two unique national stories of the potentially most outrageous forms of judges’ abuse of power:
a. Follow the Money!(*>OL:194§E), the investigation into how judges rely on their unaccountability to risklessly profit from case-related information, engage in money laundering, and evade taxes, particularly through a bankruptcy fraud scheme(†>OL2:614) driven by the most insidious corruptor: Money!(*>jur:27§2);
b. Judges’ unlawful interception of their critics’ communications(OL2:781), a violation of the 1st Amendment “freedom of speech, of the press, and the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances”(OL2:792¶1), committed in the self-interest of preventing their critics from joining forces to expose judges’ abuse.
36. Help “assemble” We the People at unprecedented citizen hearings(†>OL2:812§E) where victims of, and witnesses to, judges’ abuse, and advocates of honest judiciaries will offer testimony to panels of newscast anchors, investigative journalists, journalism professors, and IT experts. The hearings can be locally organized by, and held at, a talkshow hosts coalition(*>OL:146, 144§D), universities, media outlets, and civic entities; and attended by a live and a broadcast audience.
37. Help organize with university professors and students the first-ever conference(*>dcc:11) on judicial abuse exposure, redress, and reform, one multi-disciplinary, nationally multimedia broadcast, and interactive(jur:97§1), to hear investigative reporters, public interest leaders, politicians, etc.
38. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER: Empower yourself by gaining knowledge from the study*† and the articles posted here.
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39. No meaningful endeavor can be advanced without money. Donate to support Judicial Discipline Reform’s:
a. professional law research and writing; and
b. the implementation of its business plan(OL2:563) for turning its website into both a clearinghouse for complaints against judges uploaded by the public and a research center for the public to search for patterns, trends, and schemes(OL2:614)revealing judges’ coordinated abuse.
Put your money
where your outrage at abuse
and your quest for justice are.
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Richard Cordero, Esq.
Judicial Discipline Reform
2165 Bruckner Blvd.
Bronx, New York 10472-6505
tel. 1(718)827-9521,,
To retain Dr. Cordero’s legal services, see his model letter of engagement(*>OL:383).
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